The horrific detonation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused the evolution of a new era of politics in the world. It was the first time in the history of warfare that the scale of human causalities with a single strike of any kind of weapon became unthinkable. As we know that […]
Author: Sidra Kayani
Indo-US Strategic Ties
The US tilt in South Asia is not a sudden development, in fact, after the demise of the Soviet Union there has been a gradual convergence of interests between New Delhi and Washington. Before Cold War any alliance between US and India remained out of the question due to Nehru’s […]
Pakistan’s Full Spectrum Deterrence
In the changing global scenario, a plausible perception of threats and readiness to counter those threats, is the dire need of the day. How peaceful country is the one, she has an effective threat perception mechanism so that the upcoming challenges which might be dangerous to the sovereignty of the […]
Inching towards 2016 Nuclear Security Summit
After the 9/11 terrorists attacks on the US, many spectators voiced their fear about the existence of high probability of a nuclear threat, that the terrorist could acquire and use nuclear weapons to achieve their political-cum-religious motives. The nuclear security summit (NSS) which was born out of President Obama’s Prague […]
Safety and Security of Pakistan’s Nuclear Installations
Pakistan’s nuclear doctrine is primarily based on the policy of ambiguity. There are different speculations regarding the exact number of its nuclear weapons however the accurate number is yet unknown. By and large, it is assessed that Pakistan could have 90 to 120 nuclear warheads. The numbers debate aside, Pakistan […]