An Indian movie named “Khakee” released in 2004 depicted a federal minister and an additional commissioner of police as accomplices to a terrorist group and another police officer who turned into a ruthless killer. The minister and additional commissioner used police force for their evil purposes. The movie was approved […]
Why Democracy is Always under Threat in Pakistan?
Since the Independence of our country, we have heard our political leaders or the “Torch Bearers of Democracy” consistently use a few well known sentences: “Our country is going through a critical phase”, “We are facing numerous challenges”, and “Democracy is under threat”. It is a fact that political process has […]
Chotu Gang: A Product of Weak Law and Order and Widespread Corruption
The recent episode of Chotu gang and Punjab Police is a harsh reminder to the state and to the whole nation about how fragile the internal security situation of Pakistan is. Not just that but also how incompetent and ill-equipped our security forces are, to effectively and in time neutralize […]
The Offshore Enterprise
The start of April 2016 rocked the world with yet another earthquake of international scandals of corruption, tax evasion, and other criminality such as by the global offshore industry. Over 60 media outlets collaborating with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) are publishing a series of stories based on documents […]
Nuclear Armed Submarines: Menacing Murky South Asia
Pakistan lately has expressed concern over the latest Indian test of a submarine capable of firing nuclear ballistic missiles, saying the “act will impact the delicate strategic balance in the region”. The test of the nuclear-propelled submarine has been stated as “serious development” resulting into “nuclearization of Indian Ocean”. In […]
Will Merkel Surrender Her Pro-Refugees Policy?
Year 2015 marked the beginning of European Refugee crisis or the migrant crisis, when a rising number of displaced people and vagrants made the excursion to the European Union (EU) to look for a safe haven by traversing the Mediterranean Sea. According to UN high commissioner for Refugees, there are […]
Sabotaging the Gwadar and CPEC Project
The external infiltration has always been a major reason for the instability in Pakistan and despite huge diplomatic efforts and raising voices at various international forums; the issue has never been resolved. Particularly, right from the proclamation of the China’s investment plans for the development of Gawadar port and CPEC […]
Modi’s Visit to KSA: Some Takeaways for Pakistan
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s maiden two day visit to Saudi Arabia has been remarkable in terms of the treatment and honor meted out to him by the Saudi leadership. He has been bestowed with the highest civilian award by the Saudi Government. There is no denying the reality that […]
Economic Disorder and the Quest for Global Stability
The monopoly of the Fractional Reserve Banking revolves around interest which is contrary to the philanthropic objectives intended for beating the extremities of poverty and the creation of dignified channels of financial support for the down trodden with a view to achieve the lofty goal of egalitarian society in sustainable […]
Opposition to the Women Protection Bill: Allusion to the Patriarchal Mindset of our Society
The last few days have seen much debate and deliberation regarding the recently passed Women’s Protection Bill in the Punjab Assembly. Unsurprisingly, most of this has come from men, predominantly the self-proclaimed bastions of Islam, individuals who strictly believe that it is only they who are entitled to make decisions for women […]