Mr. Gaurav Arya, I read your letter right after coming back from work but irrespective of the fact that it was intended to be provocative it didn’t cause any exasperation. I rather laughed at it and felt the urge to reply you. The enemies that you said are sitting beside […]
China steeping in Middle East’s Tsunami
At beginning of 2016, Chinese President Xi Jinping, visited Middle East at a time when the relations between Saudi Arabian led Sunni states and Shiite Iran were touching a low point in recent history. The execution of the influential Shiite minister Sheik Nimr al-Nimr, who was the leading voice of Shiite minority in […]
Revisiting Pakistan’s Proposed Cyber Crime Bill
Soon after the invention of internet, the world has been revolutionized with immense changes. Especially the eve of social media has totally changed the concept of mortal life. A virtual world has been created, a world which virtually exists and is practiced by the major part of global population. Around 1.5 […]
Dynamics of Sino-Iranian Partnership
The recent trade agreement between Iran and China worth 600 billion US dollars, on one hand has given impetus to their bilateral relations but on the other it seems to have raised some concerns among the regional and global aspirants; chief among them are the US and KSA. It is […]
Women choose not to vote Hillary Clinton on feminist grounds
This November, elections will be held for the 45th president of the United States, and Hillary Clinton is in the running as the first serious female candidate. While the idea of having a female president is revolutionary, many women are choosing not to vote for Clinton on feminist grounds. In […]
West’s re-engagement with Iran: will Russia be sidelined?
There exist a number of speculations regarding the lifting of sanctions and re-engagement of many western corporations investing in Iran creating a significant impact on Iran’s relations with Russia. Different perspectives suggest that a resurgent Iran would contend with Russia as a significant exporter of oil and gas, which would […]
Prospects for Pakistan’s Mediating Role between Saudi Arabia and Iran: Why is it Important to keep a Balance?
The voice of reason may call for a neutral stance to be taken by Pakistan, more preferably a role of a mediator between Iran and KSA, which the officials of Pakistan have proactively adopted and are very wisely conveying it too. But the real question is; to what extent can Pakistan effectively play […]
India: A Case of Dissociative Identity Disorder or Chanakya’s Strategy of Deceit and Guile
It is hard to remain an optimist when it comes to Indo-Pakistan bilateral relations. Although the last quarter of 2015 witnessed positive engagements between both states that garnered worldwide appreciation, a general feeling of skepticism prevailed throughout. Prudent political experts in Pakistan observed the sudden change in the disposition of […]
The Aftermath of Paris Attack Raises Some Serious Questions
Terrorism has no religion. An eye for an eye makes the world blind. Terrorism has become a systematic weapon of a war that knows no border and seldom has a face. They are a group of a bunch of terrorists who have nothing constructive to do with their own lives. […]
Terrorism: Why Pakistan is a Convenient Suspect?
The recent rise in the anti-Islamic sentiments, specifically in the West, warrants a close scrutiny of the pattern that is subtly taking shape in which almost every other “terrorist” turns out to be a “Muslim” and is somehow ultimately found to have links with Pakistan. Most investigations are even substantiated […]