
Flashpoint on Emerging Nuclear Trends in South Asia: How Significant is the Scenario?

Flashpoint on Emerging Nuclear Trends in South Asia: How Significant is the Scenario?

Indeed, India and Pakistan are intertwined in an absolute longstanding security competition. Although, nuclear parity does not exist in the region neither both states are conventionally parallel but action-reaction or tit-for-tat cycle is rapidly enhancing the nuclear capabilities in Southern region, specifically of India and partially of Pakistan. India shares […]

Terrorism and West’s Islamophobia

Terrorism and West’s Islamophobia

“The underlying problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilization whose people [is] convinced of the superiority of their culture and [is] obsessed with the inferiority of their power.”  These are words of Samuel P. Huntington in The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking […]

Inching towards 2016 Nuclear Security Summit

Inching towards 2016 Nuclear Security Summit

After the 9/11 terrorists attacks on the US, many spectators voiced their fear about the existence of high probability of a nuclear threat, that the terrorist could acquire and use nuclear weapons to achieve their political-cum-religious motives. The nuclear security summit (NSS) which was born out of President Obama’s Prague […]

Pakistani State and Morality

Pakistani State and Morality

What if Pakistan were the world’s sole superpower? Would it be any different from the United States today? Would it treat the less powerful in the same way as Pakistanis currently expect to be treated by the US? Would Pakistan stand up for freedom and justice? However, improbable such a […]