In today’s world almost everyone has a phone. Hundreds of different phone models are available and as many games are developed each day. With so many choices available, almost everyone seems to be addicted to playing some kind of game on their mobile phone. Some are addicted to Candy Crush […]
The Mandela Effect – Myth of a Parallel Universe
Are we living in alternate realities? Or has our reality, our timeline been changed? At one point or another split in two or are we now just noticing the effects and the changes of this split? There has been a lot of talk recently about something called “The Mandela Effect”. […]
Reasons Why Overthinking Can Help You Change The World
Here’s why being an anxious person who overthinks every breath and side-glance will help you change the world. You naturally analyze every angle, a twitch in your boyfriend’s face may cause you to diagnose him with fatal muscular dystrophy, a new form of Tourette’s instead of the actual cause; a […]
The Science of Chocolate; Why is it so Addictive?
Chocolate! Just the sound of its name makes you want to have it. I cannot believe that someone would not be fond of chocolates, something so yummy and delicious. But what is it that makes a person so addictive to it? A chocoholic is a person who craves or compulsively […]
Parenting, a Challenge: Why Pakistanis need to Revamp their Parenting Style!
“The price of greatness is responsibility”, a succinct dictum by Sir Winston Churchill fittingly and cogently explicates the august commissioning to one of the most challenging and rewarding enterprises of ‘becoming a parent’. A huge responsibility often taken for granted though, the stature of being a parent — assiduously […]
The selfie syndrome
Everywhere you go, you are likely to observe people taking selfies. Chances are that you yourself might be one of them taking a selfie with a beautiful smile. Reporting to school/university/job, preparing notes, hanging out with friends, visiting a party till that anxious visage to go to sleep, there is […]
Sibling Influences on Development
Siblings play a unique role in one another’s lives that stimulate the companionship of parents. as well as the power and assistance of friends. Because siblings often grow in the same household, they have a large amount of exposure to one another. A new study suggests the relationship we have […]
Bedtime Procrastinator: the reason you can’t sleep
For a long time, we’ve known about the insomniacs: The people who go bed and then toss and turn all night, unable to fall asleep. But there’s another group of sleepless sufferers: Those who can’t bring themselves to go to bed in the first place. If you’re exhausted and you […]
Lowering Your Stress Level by 21%
If your New Year’s resolution was to cut back on screen time, you might want to rethink it. Contrary to what we’ve been hearing for years, scrolling through your Twitter feed, sending personal emails, and texting photos back and forth may actually be good for your health, finds a new […]
The Psychology of Selfie
It is clearly not only egocentric and emotionally unregulated adolescents who obsess over photographs of themselves. Politicians and business tycoons seem just as concerned about their photographic images, driven by a heady mixture of subclinical narcissism and avaricious PR consultants. Maybe pictures do paint a thousand words. Selfies have become […]