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“You should be like water which makes his own way, not like stone which stop the way of other”

Humanity means caring, loving, helping others in difficult times whenever they need it. It is like a universal bridge connecting groups of people to each other. I am impressed by the statement which is “A man lives for himself he thinks and acts to make his own self secure, comfortable, and happy”.

I have seen that in our society people are eating, having fun with and waste a lot of money but find it quite hard to help poor people. We live in the World that is capable of printing out tridimensional copies of almost any object, but 870 million people go to bed each night hungry. They do not get food, shelter and medical facilities.

I was also the part of selfish society in which people are busy using internet telephone and social media etc. We are blaming one another. We prefer to invest in research for new Smartphones than funding the research projects to find the cure for AIDS.

Students who are gold medalist in any subject they are jobless. We are engaged in holy wars or public mockery campaigns against the religion we do not understand. We shut our minds from knowing more about the people around us, their thoughts and beliefs.

I believe that if we act upon them then the purpose for which we are on Earth is automatically fulfilled. Understanding and uniting with people is essential to stop unwanted accidental misunderstanding. Avoid speaking the words which hurt the feeling of others. Stop killing human beings in the name of religion or Sect. There is no greater happiness than the happiness that comes out through the happiness of others.

At the end I want to quote,

“The tongue of wise man lies behind his heart”

Mahpara Liaqat: The writer is a student of Islamic International University.
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